Add a mandatory or optional document to your form

This article will guide you through the art of optimizing the management of your documents, whether mandatory or optional.

You will learn how to precisely configure the categories of documents to be requested during the process of filling in and submitting the application form by your candidates.

Adding and customizing documents with Formbuilder

Your documents are integrated via Formbuilder, our dedicated form creation tool. These documents will then be associated with the specific form for a given campaign.

With this configuration, you can perform the following tasks for each document type:

  1. Define the required format of the document to be deposited.

  2. Specify the maximum number of files candidates can submit.

  3. Select a custom file name which will automatically replace any original file name. For example, to attach a cover letter, a document originally named document1 can be automatically renamed Cover letter.


  1. Access the Form module from your dashboard:

  1. To add documents, simply click on the Modify button on the relevant form:

  1. Click on the menu on the right, entitled All documents :

The document configuration page is structured into three distinct sections.
In the center, in the middle column, are two essential blocks: Mandatory Documents and Optional Documents. Mandatory documents are those which applicants must complete in order to submit their application, while optional documents will not block submission if they are not completed by the applicant. To make it easier to find a specific document, a search bar is provided.

When you drag a document from the left-hand column to the central section under Photo or Cover letter, for example, a new column appears on the right, displaying the document properties already filled in.

Add a listed document

Below is a concrete example of how to add a mandatory document: a copy of a diploma:

  • We drag and drop the Diplomas button to the central section under Photo. The right-hand column, Document Properties, appears with the information already pre-filled.
    At this point, you can customize these elements to suit your needs:

  • Simply click on the Save button and the document will be added to the central section:

Please note: when configuring the desired format for a document, for example, for an RIB, you can specify which formats are accepted, such as PDF, JPEG, PNG, etc. If you make a change to the permitted formats, for example, if you choose only PDF, this change will apply to all your online forms. If you make a change to the authorized formats, for example, if you choose only PDF, this change will apply to all your online forms. In other words, candidates will only be able to submit their RIB in PDF format. If you wish to make changes to a document without affecting other forms, we recommend that you create a new, separate document type.

Add an unlisted document

To do so, click on the Add a mandatory document button in the central section (this is also possible for an optional document).

A window on the right will open, allowing you to customize the parameters of your document:

1) Document type - This is the title you will give to your document (example: Letter of recommendation).

2) Document description - Provide a description of the expected document (optional). This description will be visible to the candidate. If you wish the document to be submitted anonymously, simply mention in the description that the document is to be anonymized.

3) Allowed formats - Select the format in which you prefer to receive the document.

4) Maximum allowed per file - Indicate the maximum number of files the applicant may submit. For example, if you request a CV and indicate "2", the applicant will be able to submit two separate documents.

5) Image width - If you're inserting an image, you can specify a minimum and maximum width in pixels (optional).

6) Image height - If you're inserting an image, you can specify a minimum and maximum height in pixels (optional).

7) Finishing settings - Once you've completed your configuration, click on the Save button.

To change the display order, you can click on the two small arrows that appear when you hover over the document. This will move the document up or down in the list:

If you wish to delete a document, simply click on the red garbage can icon which appears when you hover over the document. You will then be prompted to confirm or cancel the action:

Set up a document request in your form on an older version of the platform

If you are using an earlier version of the EMUNDUS platform, we recommend that you follow this section to link a document type to a campaign.

To require a document type to be transmitted when submitting an application, you need to link this document type to the campaign's candidate profile.

Follow these steps to make this setting:

  1. Go to the Administration tab and select User profiles.

  2. Then click on the magnifying glass icon on the line corresponding to the candidate profile you wish to configure.

  3. You'll see a table listing all the document types available on the platform. Check the appropriate boxes according to your needs:

    • The first column is used to integrate the document into the form.

    • The second column displays the document on the candidate's form, enabling him to submit it. For optional documents, tick the first two columns.

    • The third column makes the document mandatory for the application. For required documents, check all three columns.